Laboratório de Fisiologia de Micro-organismos

Our researches focus on application of yeasts in biotechnology to produce biofuels and biomolecules of industrial interest. Besides focusing on the development of bioprocesses, our research team studies the regulation of sugar and lipid metabolism in yeast. We also interested in understanding the metabolic responses of yeasts to the stress conditions inherent to bioprocesses, as well as to select mutant strains that are more tolerant to these conditions. Moreover, we are focusing on reconstruction and analysis of genome-scale metabolic models of yeasts, which are useful to integrate and analyze omics data and to predict metabolic engineering strategies for improving the production of biomolecules. We are also interested in protein-constrained metabolic models, including how enzyme usage is redistributed during alternative growth conditions, and how to parameterize protein-constrained models using predictions obtained from codon features and machine learning methods.

Áreas de pesquisa

• Production of bio-based chemicals by non-Saccharomyces yeasts
We are using yeasts for production of bio-based chemicals such as ethanol, 2- phenylethanol and xylitol from feedstocks such as whey permeate, ricotta whey and lignocellulosic biomasses. Our studies focus on using response surface methodology for optimization of bioprocesses, and genetic improvement of yeast with enhanced production of those chemicals.

• Production of oil by oleaginous yeasts
We are using oleaginous yeasts for oil production aiming its application as feedstock for fatty-acid derived oleochemicals production, as well as an ingredient for plant-based sector. Our studies focus on using response surface methodology for optimization of bioprocesses, and genetic improvement of yeast with enhanced production of those chemicals.

• Study of mechanisms of stress responses in non-Saccharomyces yeasts
We are interested in understanding how yeasts respond to stress conditions that are common in bioprocesses such as high concentrations of ethanol, 2-phenylethanol and acetic acid, and high temperatures. Transcriptomic, proteomic and metabolomic analyses are used to identify targets for metabolic engineering approaches.

• Obtainment of non-Saccharomyces yeasts with improved features for biotechnological applications
Our focus is the obtainment of yeasts able to withstand stressful conditions such as high concentrations of ethanol, 2-phenylethanol and acetic acid, as well with enhanced nutrient uptake. We have used mainly adaptive laboratory evolution as strategy to select evolved yeast strains with improved phenotypes for application at industrial level.

• Regulation of carbon metabolism and lipid metabolism in non Saccharomyces yeasts
Our researches focus on non-Saccharomyces yeast and have allowed us to expand the knowledge about sugar uptake in yeasts, as well as to better understand the regulation of the fermentative flux and oleaginous phenotype.

• Metabolic modelling
We are focusing on reconstruction and analysis of genome-scale metabolic models of yeasts, which are useful to integrate and analyze omics data and to predict metabolic engineering strategies for improving the production of biomolecules. Moreover, we are also interested in protein-constrained metabolic models, including how enzyme usage is redistributed during alternative growth conditions, and how to parameterize protein constrained models using predictions obtained from codon features and machine learning methods. Another venture is reconstructing models of underground metabolism, which are a rich source of pathways for metabolic engineering.


• Quantificação de compostos orgânicos por cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência: açúcares (glicose, lactose, sacarose, arabinose, xilose, galactose), ácidos orgânicos (lático, acético, propiônico, butírico, valérico), etanol, glicerol e 1,2-propanodiol.

• Quantificações de proteína e nitrogênio amoniacal por colorimetria.

• Cultivo de microrganismos em biorreatores BioFlo 115 e BioFlo 310 (New Brunswick – Eppendorf) com monitoramento de oxigênio dissolvido, pH, agitação e temperatura.


• Cromatógrafo Líquido de Alta Eficiência HP 1047A

• Cromatógrafo líquido de Alta Eficiência Shimadzy SPD-10Ai

• Cromatógrafo líquido de Alta Eficiência Shimadzy LC AT20

• Espectrofotômetro BECKMAN DU série 600

• Três fermentadores New Brunswick modelos BioFlo/Celligen 115

• Fermentador New Brunswick modelos BioFlo/Celligen 310

• Dois incubadores Rotatórios (NEW BRUWICH SCIENTIFIC CO., Séries 25 D)

• Duas cabines de Fluxo laminar Veco

• Estufa de Cultura Modelo 002CB

• Centrífuga Sorvall Instruments RC5C

• Centrífuga refrigerada Sigam 2k15

• Dois banho-maria Isotemp

• Leitora de Microplacas Multiskan GO Thermo Sicentific

• Cromatografia de alta pressão (HPLC) configurado para análise de substratos (açúcares) e produtos do metabolismo microbiano (álcoois e ácidos orgânicos)





Equipe de pesquisadores

Wendel Batista da Silveira

Antônio Galvão do Nascimento

Nívea Moreira Vieira

Érica Mangaravite

Maurício Alexander de Moura Ferreira

Eduardo Luís Menezes de Almeida

Rodrigo Gonçalves Dias

Samuel Lessa Barbosa

Ana Clara de Souza

João Victor Marques Gonçalves Assis

Olufemi Gabriel Abimbola

Fernanda Pinheiro Moreira Freitas

Juliana Silva Carneiro Fonseca

Giovana Martins da Silva


Telefone: (31) 3612-2431 

Local: Bioagro, sala 302.

© 2020 Universidade Federal de Viçosa - Todos os Direitos Reservados